Thursday, May 30, 2013

Other tidbits

We have been talking about vowels and why they are different from other letters in the alphabet,  and have learned that a vowel is in every word.

Book making - the kids are really enjoying the writing Center and I am amazed at the books they are creating.

Making 10 - rainbow 10.   We did a neat little activity using a rainbow to make ten.  It was a good visual demonstration and the kids did well at forming the numbers properly.

Assessments-  I am busy meeting with each kinder and letting them show me that they are demonstrating the different kindergarten outcomes that are to be met at the end of the year.   I am also meeting and doing reading assessments on each child,  and wow do we have some little readers!  A big pat on the back to those parents who work with their child on home reading,  your efforts are greatly noted,  thank you!

I hope to have these wrapped up in the next week, and then get report cards done,  so it may be a quiet couple weeks on the blog.  Please never hesitate to contact me At the school or home via phone or email if you have any questions or concerns.


Reading buddies

This week we read the book click Clack Moo Cows That Type, and talked about letter writing.

We learned about a question mark and when to use it.  The kinders wrote a letter to their buddies asking them a question, and the buddies wrote back to the kinders.    They also spent  time tracing each others bodies and asking each other questions.  Things that they had in common went in the middle on where their bodies overlapped, and things that they didn't,t have in common went on their own body.  There was lots of great questions being asked!

The Lorax

Last week we read the book the Lorax and did a writing activity about the book and how we would help the truffula tree's if we were the Lorax.      

We also made truffula trees.
This was an introduction into a new mini unit of trees that we will be talking about in science.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

This week

Monday - day 4 blue class, gym
Tuesday - day 5 green class, music class
Wednesday day 6 blue class day - gym class, library, Suzuki concert in pm.
Thursday day 1 - green class day, gym class, Tammy visits' library
Friday day 2 - mrs. Konsorada away, music class, computer buddies

Sight words

I sent home a list of sight words in the kinder's bear book last week. These are all words that we have talked about, done writing exercises on as well as searched for in books.

Sight words comprise from 60% to 85% of the text in children's early reading materials. Studies have shown if students do not have these words in their sight vocabulary, or cannot recognize them instantly, they cannot become fluent readers.

This list was sent home to help you support your child with their literacy development, as learning these words will allow them transition into grade one with ease.

I have a handout of activities I can send home at your request, as well if you find your child has mastered this list, a further resource of words can be found at

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope everyone enjoys their Mother's Day! The kinder's worked hard on their writing piece part of the gift!

If they have been talking about a "forever bouquet", its because we discussed how moms like to get flowers, but that they don't last long - but we are giving a bouquet that lasts forever.

There is a little poem that goes along with this:

Dear Mom,

I will love you forever,
And forever you will be,
The most wonderful mother,
You mean everything to me.

I thought of buying you flowers,
In the usual way, But, I knew you would prefer


We have been practising daily counting up to 30 as well as counting backwards from ten.

This week we will continue to look more closely at the numbers 0 to 10, using the 10 frame. We have talked about adding and have done some exercises where we need to be detectives and figure out different ways to " make a number". For instance 4 can be made by 2+2 or 1+ 3 etc.
we have talked a bit about the adding and equal sign, although for now I am more concerned if they can show me different was of grouping 4 objects. 2 buttons and 2 buttons makes four buttons etc.

We made some nice spring flowers using this math concept for the number 4, 5, and 6, and will continue on with hands on activities demonstrating this concept.

Buildings and people in our community

The kinder's built their own kinder town and everyone made a building, ad well as a hose for the town. They were very creative in adding Zoo's and gardens, as well as making sure their was farmers around the town.

We will go for a quick walk this week to wrap up looking at the people and places of our community.
The kinder's have brought home their house, building as well as their "community sort"

Saturday, May 4, 2013

A visit from veterinarian Dr. Regan Skelton

On Thursday and Friday we a a special guest speaker come in and talk to the class! Mrs. Skelton is a vet at the Minnedosa vet clinic, and she talked to us about what she does, how she became a vet and what kind of animals she deals with.

She brought in some dog teeth that she had extracted, as well as showed us lots of cool pictures and videos of X-rays of rocks in a dogs belly, and another dog with puppies in their belly! The kids especially liked the video of the ear mites that Dr. Regan swabbed from a cats ear!

Thank you to Dr. Regan for coming in and showing us what goes on at our community vet clinic, and what a veterinarian does, I'm sure many of the kinder's will be down for a visit when their pet heads in for their next check up!

It's Okay To Be Different

This week the kinder's read the book "It's Okay To Be Different".

We talked about how everyone is special, and our differences make us unique. The book has colourful illustrations and simple text that sends a strong message and teaches a valuable lesson.

We looked at a brown egg and a white egg and the kinder's were asked to think about how they were different or the same. The first thing noted was the color, and when asked if they were the same inside, many felt no way - the yolk would be different colours because the eggs came from different kinds of chickens, or one was cleaned, and the other was maybe dirty.

When we cracked them open, the insides were exactly the same and could not be told apart.
We talked about how people are like the eggs. We look different, and act different but inside we are all the same, and we all have feelings.

We talked about many different kids of differences, skin color, eye color, hair color, disabilities, different places we were born. - But we all came back to the egg lesson, where inside we are all the same - and it's okay to be different and like different things.

We made a classroom book , with each student having their own page where they had to finish the sentence " It's okay to ...."

We had many answers from singing in the shower, to talking different, and having a helper leg, among many others.

I am very proud of the class for the book they completed !
Ask your kinder what their page is about!