You better watch out, you better not cry
you better not shout I'm telling you why...
Santa Claus is coming to town!
Both classes this week will get to write a letter to Santa - with the help of their grade 8 buddies!! We talked about using our best printing and coloring to impress Santa, and assure him that we are on the NICE list. Mrs. Konsorada will be express posting the letters to the North Pole on Friday!
Light 'em up - an act of kindness for every day of December
We have a special jar in our room where every morning we pick an act of kindness for the day. The analogy I gave the kinder's was that - when you do something nice for someone - the look on their face, and the smile they give you is you lighting up their day!
So - all of December we are going to be lighting up people's faces ! Not only do we make them feel good - we feel lit up as well!
Monday - the green class drew a card that said " make a flower for a class helper" - Mrs. Lemoing, and our lunch buddies were the first people the kinders thought of - and they were so happy to see their faces "light" up when they presented their flowers!!
Tuesday - The blue class drew a card that said "Help someone cleanup their area" - the kinders not only helped me, but their classmates as well as helped bring in lost mittens and crazy carpets from outside!
Keep asking your kinder what their light' em up deed for the day was!
Christmas Concert
This week we have started to talk about our Christmas Concert performances - and we have started to learn the first couple verses.
The green class will be doing a poem called "Christmas Lights" and the blue class will be doing one called "Christmas boxes". After, both classes will join to sing " Up On the Housetop".
I will send the words home in the kids BEAR books this week so they can practise at home as well! The big day is coming...
We will be starting to paint and design our props next week. If you would like to help out please contact Mrs. K. (paint, glitter and glue... not for the faint of heart!! ) and next week - send kids in older clothes, or send an extra "paint shirt". I do have smocks - but even with those on there is always messes!
Morning Message
This week we have been moving right along with our morning message - the kids are getting very good at reading the sight words and we have been jumping to every word in the message to help us remember that there are spaces in between each word. Again the sight words we are focusing on are : is, have, we and I.
The letter D d.
With December starting, we have looked at the letter D the last couple of days. Students have been doing a great job at brainstorming words that start with the "D" sound! We will also be looking at the letter C (Christmas) and L (lights) this week. On Thursday and Friday we will be making our names in a string of lights!
Uppercase and Lowercase letters
In center time we have been playing lots of matching games for the letters of the Alphabet. The hardest one's are always p, q, and b and d along with g and y and i and j. When I introduce letters I always introduce both upper and lowercase. This week we have started to look more closely at our writing and I have started to give kids the option of writing their names either way - but always with a Capital at the start - because our names are IMPORTANT! Students that are still having trouble with their uppercase are encouraged to still write the bigger letters, as they are easier strokes and help develop their fine motor skills required for lowercase.
CHANGE Campaign - "Penny Drive"
Thank you to everyone who donated their pennies! Our classes combined donated four bags of pennies to the campaign - and the school total was 24!! That is 24 peoples lives we have changed for the better by providing them with clean water for life! That is definitely something for us to "Kiss our brains" about!!
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