BLUE CLASS :Remember - Friday is hot dog day and we also get to see cheerleaders Sheppard and Rapsky!
Library Day will also be on Friday instead of Tuesday due to Mrs. Widdowson being away that day! Remember to have your books back :)
Today we had reading buddies with the grade 8 students. The grade 8's have been asking us to tell the story through the pictures first before they read it to us - to help us understand that pictures are important clues to what is happening in the text of the book
After the book was finished, the Kinder's had to draw a picture of their favorite part of the book, and with help from their buddy - write the title of the book, the date, and their names.
The Kinder's are really getting the hang of drawing detailed pictures of their favorite part , and enjoy pointing out to me who the main character is and what is happening in their picture.
We also had music today in our classroom because immunizations were going on for the older kids in the music room. "Mrs. Music" started to sing a few Christmas carols with the kids to help them learn the words for our Christmas concert!
We added two new centers - one was measuring names where the students worked with me and had to find a name that was longer, shorter and the same length as theirs. They also had to figure out which was the shortest, and longest name in the class.
The groups that saw me today did a great job of this - especially filling out their very important "math reports" that helped us keep track of our findings! The remainder of the groups will get a turn on Friday.
The other center we added in was using our magnetic ten frame boards for math. We have now started looking at the numbers 11 to 20 and are learning how to represent the numbers on our ten frames!
Mrs K. has also been forgetting her camera at home :( As I write this It is already sitting in my school bag so I remember) Look for more photo's soon!
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